Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Happy accidents?

Recently I got a couple of white ink pens  :]  As you can see, not the most opaque application from this one, but I kind of like the little textures created by layering the ink.

6 x 9.5" watercolor paper.

As I was painting this, the dropper wasn't... well, dropping any ink. So in confusion, I squeezed a tiiiiny bit more... and then it splattered onto the paper. I thought I'd leave it because it looks kind of interesting. Just think of it as her heel exploded or something... while smiling.

Please check your inks before using them, especially if you haven't for a while.

1 comment:

  1. happy dancing girl!:)
    haha, that looks intentional!good to hear the story!:D

    her heel didn't explode, it's just seems like some magic is going to happen!*o*
